Voice Therapy

The goal of voice therapy is to improve how well the voice works. Individuals who have been evaluated by a laryngologist may be referred to a speech – language pathologist to identify a problem that can be treated by adjustments to vocal behaviors and lifestyle.

Voice hygiene and behavioral factors are addressed by the speech–language pathologist.

Vocal hygiene supports the health and function of the voice.  This includes appropriate hydration, avoiding vocal misuse, and managing medical conditions such as allergies, asthma, and acid reflux.

Behavioral factors look at how the voice is used.  Focus is on changing vocal habits, practicing vocal exercises, learning ways to compensate for vocal problems and improving vocal efficiency. 

Voice therapy is recommended for individuals with vocal fold paralysis, traumatic vocal fold injuries, and neurological voice problems. For complex medical problems, the voice therapist works with the individual’s health care team to address all factors affecting the voice.

Registered speech–language pathologists are available to discuss voice therapy and suggest the best treatment options for a healthy voice.

Specific Techniques


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