Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapy approach designed to treat individuals that have undergone trauma.

EMDR focuses on eliminating the traumatic event through duplicating the experience. The treatment is done in 3 steps. Past memories, present disturbances, and future actions are all addressed in this protocol. The objective is to process the traumatic experiences and problems and then find new, healthy beliefs to eliminate the negative emotions, feelings, and behaviours tied with the trauma. In short, to replace negative emotions and beliefs with those that lead to healthy behaviours and interactions.

This is achieved in an 8-phase program outlined briefly below:

EMDR is based on the knowledge that when a person undergoes a traumatic event, the brain cannot function and process information normally. The specific event becomes stuck in the brain and remembering the trauma is like re-living the event. To detach the person for the event, EMDR uses a set of eye movements while the person focuses on the traumatic event and disturbing memories. The eye movements continue until the person’s experiences become less disturbing and they begin to have more positive thoughts.

    • Phase 1 History & Treatment Planning
    • Phase 2 Preparation
    • Phase 3 Assessment
    • Phase 4 Desensitization
    • Phase 5 Installation
    • Phase 6 Body scan
    • Phase 7 Closure
    • Phase 8 Reevaluation

    EMDR can treat various problems such as:

    EMDR requires at least one session for the therapist to determine the problem and the appropriate treatment. Once the therapist and client has agreed on EMDR the therapy can begin. An EMDR session takes around 90 minutes and typically requires a course of 3 to 10 treatments.

    Certified EMDR therapists are available to provide information and treatment options for those interested in learning more.

      • Post-traumatic stress phobias
      • Car crashes
      • Assault
      • Addictions
      • Sexually abused children/adults

Specific Techniques


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