Activate Home Health

Availability of at this location:

Appointments available upon request

Services offered by at this location:
Activate Home Health provides Mobile Physiotherapy Services in-person or via videoconferencing or telephone, in Victoria British Columbia.

Healthcare Professionals that work at Activate Home Health

Name Services
Chronic Illness Support, Chronic Pain Management, Core Strengthening, Deep Tissue Massage, Exercise Rehabilitation, Gait Assessment, Geriatric Physiotherapy, Gunn IMS, Joint Mobilization, Joint Replacement Therapy, Kinesiology, Lower Limb Assessment, Manipulative Therapy, Massage, Needle Therapy, Neurological Physiotherapy, Orthopaedics, Pediatrics, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitative Exercise Call Email  
Core Strengthening, Exercise Rehabilitation, Exercise Therapy, Kinesiology, Rehabilitation Call Email  
Exercise Therapy, Joint Mobilization, Manipulative Therapy, Massage, Motor Vehicle Accident Recovery, Neurological Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Orthopaedics, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Services, Soft Tissue Release Call Email  
Neurological Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Call Email  
Manipulative Therapy, Orthopaedics, Physiotherapy Call Email