Funding Solutions & Support

On this page you’ll find information about funding solutions that are available for individuals and families seeking natural health care.

Extended Health Benefit Plans

Many employers offer health benefit plans that provide coverage for services in regulated disciplines, such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Review your plan to find out what services are covered, upgrading your plan or switching providers is an option if you require more coverage.

ICBC Insurance

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, ICBC provides coverage for rehabilitation services.

Contact if you require legal assistance. Rory has over 25 years of experience and a passion for helping clients get the funding they deserve. During your free consultation with Mr. Lambert he will assess your situation to determine if you have a claim and help you understand your options.

Worksafe BC

Worksafe BC offers compensation and access to rehabilitation services for employees who have suffered a work-related injury or disease.

Visit their website to learn more about making a claim.

Individual Grants

For almost every health condition, there is an organization in B.C. or Canada-wide that is dedicated to supporting people with that health care need. These organizations offer a wealth of information about treatment options and funding. Ask your practitioner or fellow patients about local organizations that can help you.